Review: We’re starting 2024’s reviews with a standard mince pie from Aldi’s Hollylane range. A more standard mince pie you could not hope to find. The box is the same as the last few years…nothing new there.
It’s a pretty festive looking top, nice star design and a decent sprinkle of sugar. That’s where positives end though.
The inside hides a fairly uninteresting filling – it’s smooth rather than bursting with fruits, and also has a slightly bitter aftertaste too.

The pastry isn’t anything special either but it’s certainly not bad – just something I would struggle to remember anything specific about more than 20 mins after I ate it.
But cheap….cheap as chips. 21p per mince pie is great value. If you need them in numbers, these could fit the bill.
Link: https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-holly-lane-deepfilled-mince-pies-290g6-pack/4088600435633
Cost: 21p each (£1.25 for 6)
Overall rating: 5/10
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